
What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathic medicine is based on the discoveries of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He experimented with Chinchona bark, which is used to make quinine for treating malaria. He found that repeatedly taking small doses of the bark actually produced the symptoms of malaria. Experiments with other plant, mineral, and animal substances led him to discover that “like cures like.” If a substance produces the symptoms of a disease in a healthy person, it will cure the disease in the person who is ill with those symptoms. Moreover, only a small, non-toxic dose of the medicine needs to be given to the patient.

What is Homeopathy used for?

Homeopathy has been used to treat a wide variety of conditions in both farm animals and domestic animals. Both acute and chronic conditions respond to homeopathic treatment. It can be used to treat injuries and to help in recovery from surgery. The table below contains a list of some of the conditions treated successfully with homeopathy in animals.

Conditions Treated with Homeopathy

Cats Allergies, respiratory problems, skin problems, urinary tract and kidney problems
Dogs Skin problems, allergies, G.I. problems, injuries, bone problems, behavior problems
Horses Allergies, heaves, injuries, eye problems, skin problems
Cows Ketosis, mastitis, reproductive problems, foot rot, twisted stomachs, pneumonia

What is the treatment process?

A veterinary homeopath will do a thorough physical exam of the patient, including lab work and other diagnostics as needed. In addition, the owner will be questioned at length about the patient’s symptoms to determine the pattern of the illness. In homeopathy even the smallest, seemingly unrelated symptoms are examined to find the precise medication the patient needs. Once the medication is prescribed the owner needs to observe the patient and report back to the doctor about the animal’s response.

Some homeopathic medicines are only available by prescription but many are available over the counter and may be purchased by anyone. With a little study, animal caretakers can use these medicines on their own for simple conditions. For more complex or difficult problems, the services of a trained veterinary homeopath should be sought.