Client Forms
Client Registration Form
Alternative Treatment Consent Form
Surgical Consent Form
What forms of payment do you accept?
We know the care your pet receives is important to you, and it is important to us too. That is why we try to provide as many payment options as possible for your convenience. All fees are due at the time services are provided. We do not bill.
We accept:
How often should I deworm my pet?
Puppies and kittens should be routinely dewormed beginning at 2 weeks of age, with deworming repeated every 2 weeks, until a fecal sample is negative for parasites.
Efficacy of the initial dewormings should be monitored by performing a fecal parasite examination 2 to 4 times in the first year and 1 to 2 times per year thereafter, depending on the age of the animal and its prior history of infection.
If my pet is not feeling well, at what point should I bring them to the vet?
You know your pet better than we do, so you are in a better position to make that decision. It is also impossible for us to tell you over the phone what is wrong with your pet and just how sick they are without seeing them. Also keep in mind that the sooner we see your pet the sooner we can determine the issue and start treatment, before their health deteriorates to the point that treatment is more difficult.
Is it really necessary to vaccinate my cat if they never go outside?
Many people believe there are no risks if their cat is strictly indoors. However, occasionally bats will be found in a house and a house cat may encounter one or even try to play with it or kill it. Bats are very well known to carry rabies. Also, if your cat were to bite someone a quarantine would be imposed on the cat if it were not current on a rabies vaccine.
As for the other cat diseases commonly vaccinated for, the risk of infection is relatively low for a strictly indoor cat and no risk for human infection. There is still a possibility of infection if the cat were to accidentally escape outside or for the diseases to be tracked in on contaminated shoes. With all these factors in mind, our clinic highly recommends all cats to be vaccinated for rabies. All other vaccines are recommended based on likelihood of exposure.